Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Pointy Bit !

Just a shorty today - we did a day trip up to the Cape from the Punsand Bay Campground/Resort. Yesterday we drove from Eliot Falls Campground through to Punsand with only one minor drama, ripping the front number plate off on the last water crossing out! Later we passed thru Bamaga and Seisia to do some shopping.

Up was up early today hoping to beat the crowds to the tip. We headed off about 8am and it was only a 45 min drive along some crappy roads to get up there, meeting a group we’d met along the OTT who had got up there to watch the sun come up – very keen campers they were! It’s only a 15min or so walk from the car-park out over the headland to the Cape proper – we added a few rocks to the cairns along the way and got there to find out we had the place to ourselves. The tip doesn’t get much of a write up in the beauty stakes, but it really is quite stunning with a beautiful white beach to the west and a couple of specky islands just off shore, York and Eborac (which has a lighthouse on it). We made sure we got in the customary snaps before anyone arrived – we didn’t really need to worry in the end as we ended up having the place to ourselves for approx 45mins. And the kids could finally say – Yep, we are finally there! We were also treated to three dolphins making their way past and turtles constantly bobbing up for air. The oldie tour groups soon arrived and the women in one group insisted on partially stripping down and draping an Aussie flag around them, the aim being to give the impression that’s all they had on! As it was low tide we walked back along the beach to the carpark.

On the way back to camp we made a detour to Somerset, the original settlement on the tip. Not much there now but there was a nice little beach and some historic graves. We kids spent the arvo in the pool, fishing off the beach and playing frisbie. Our camp site has an amazing view, you virtually take one big step from the end of the annex and you’re on the beach.

Tomorrow we’re off to Thursday Island – more on that soon.


Ossie Traveller said...

Just to let you know someone is interested in this blog site. I have printed all episodes and sent to Nanna. She follows your escapades with interest.

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