Friday, September 24, 2010


Today was the day the kids had been hanging out for weeks – we were off to Australia Zoo. We got there early and parked the cruiser under the big “Crikey” sign and next to the “Croc Cruiser”, read Croc Troopie. Once we’d parted with our hard earned and in the park proper, as expected there was a heap to see, including shows and demos to do all over the place! First on the list were the frisky Alligators, Iguanas, Aussie lizards and the mighty Komodo Dragon.

Because it was school holidays we were “lucky” enough to see the “Bindi” show (in the Crocoseum), which was herself and four other female dancers doing a heap of songs after wildlife. It was a little boring but the real young kids loved it, though to be fair she did a reasonable job of the songs – I’m sure I saw Lachlan tapping his foot! Straight after was the “Wildlife Warriors Show” which was really good. It started off with birds of all sorts (water birds, parrots, cockatoos) doing some amazing things. When it came time for the croc bit of the show Terri, Bindi and young Robert came out and joined in – it was bloody entertaining and six year old Robert even had the whole stadium on its feet singing the national anthem. That boy is certainly a chip off the old block, watch out as it won’t be long before he’s doing crazy stuff in front of cameras!

The arvo was spent checking out the Asian elephants, Tigers, Aussie furry critters and of course lunch. Did I mention the kids spent a looooong time in the souvenir shop working what “special” treasure they were gunna buy. The last thing we did was have a squiz at the amazing animal hospital that Steve built in memory of his mother.

Oz zoo is one big place but they are currently working on expanding it dramatically, Cheetahs, Rhinos, Giraffes and Lemurs are already on the property awaiting their new enclosures to be finished. It’s well worth a visit but if it keeps expanding one day might not be enough to see everything!


Unknown said...

So whats with the KFC?? Has it got one of those now??

Nikita:) said...

Well you must of had a great time!
I wonder if Bindi and those dancers sang i am an elephant from India? That song is so funny!
I bet Chantal cant wait to go back to school!

Dave said...


Are we there already? I'm waiting for the next installment.

You guys okay? Your blog came to an abrupt - end.

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