Friday, September 17, 2010

Surf's Up

Today it was back to school, though to the kids delight it was “Surf School”!

On a beautiful sunny day with the temp in the mid-twenties we did a 3 hour learn to surf crash course at Agnes Waters, apparently Oz’s most northerly surf beach – they even have a surf club. The surf to be honest was small, in fact at times you might see a bigger swell at Rosebud front beach, but it was sort of ideal for us beginners. First we learnt the basics on the sand, paddling, getting up and of course surfing etiquette. After that we hit the water, literally! It’s amazing how much easier it looks when someone else is doing it – also surprised how quickly you get out of breath constantly paddling to catch waves. The instructors kept saying paddle, paddle to catch a certain wave but most times Louise and I were too busy catching our breath from the last effort. After a while the kids got up quite frequently while let’s just say Louise and I weren’t born naturals. My excuse was that the many bronzed bikini clad backpackers in our class were far too distracting!

As they say “Pictures tell a thousand words” so I’ll leave you to check those out, the good, bad and ugly! Tomorrow we’re off to Lady Musgrave Island for a day of snorkelling on the reef.


Ossie Traveller said...

Finally got the family to take after Grandpa. Lots of practice required by the looks of things. Good Wipeout Lachlan! Not as spectacular as the Boogie Board at Clifton Beach.
Lots of fun.

Ossie Traveller said...

Where are all the followers to this great blog? There is only one comment on most postings. Come on guys - let the Kleps know you are interested in what they are doing.

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