Thursday, July 1, 2010

Corner Country

It was smooth sailing from Broken Hill to Packsaddle Roadhouse where we stopped by a dry creek for lunch. The road from Packsaddle to Tibooburra was mainly dirt with lots of fun dips to cheer ‘whoo’ as we rode each one. As usual we arrived late in town so we headed straight out to the nearest campsite (Dead Horse Gully Campground) in the Sturt NP. Surrounded by granite outcrops and a pink sunset we sipped wine and soaked up the silence of the night - the stars are amazing out here. It’s a great time of the year to be up here, if you can brave the chilly nights – there’s virtually no flies, it’s cool during the day and at the moment everything is green after the heavy rains in March.
We awoke to our first warm day and were able to wear shorts and t-shirts today...yeh! We explored the nearby granite outcrops spotting several wild goats before heading down to a make shift gold mining display near our camp. The kids hopefully prospected the ground for gold as we walked.
Lunch was at TJ’s Roadhouse for a hearty hamburger and filling the cruiser up at $1.55 a litre, before visiting the town museum and National Parks Office. Then back to camp for our first restful afternoon.
Tomorrow we plan to head to the east of the park around the Gorge Loop Road before camping in the north of the park at Olive Downs Campground very close to the QLD border. More dirt roads & tracks after that, cutting across to Cameron’s Corner, and then onto Innamincka. The car already has character, covered in mud all over to show Chris doesn’t mind driving through rather than around water on the road! Not sure whether the roads from Innamincka to Birdsville are open, all we know is the route we wanted to take is a vast lake at the moment – could be a heap of fun whatever way we end up going!


The minecrafter said...

Hi lach its Tomo

I have it go to school next week :(.... BOO hope your having fun =)

Bye From Tomo!!!!!

Cape Crusaders said...

Yo Chicken Joe,
Thats not too bad I still have to go back to school in ten weeks!Well have fun doing lots and lots of school work.HA HA!
See Ya

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